Archive for twitips

The Twitter Traffic Machine

The Completely Automated Twitter Growth & Money Making System for People That Want to Set Up A System ONCE, Forget About It, and Have it Grow and Make Money EVERY Day!

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This is truly an amazing system, one in which you can put something on TRUE autopilot and have it continue forward building your Twitter followers AND making you money daily.


I hope you will also make money with this system. Plenty of people are making money with this out there, why do not stop. Take an action:)

Click Here!  For Making Money With Twitter.

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New Twitter BackGrounds

For more Twitter backgrounds.

Also you can look here for more information about Twitter.

How to learn creating your own twitter background.

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What is Twitter?

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users’ updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers). Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow anybody to access them. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. The service is free to use over the Internet, but using SMS may incur phone service provider fees.
Since its creation in 2006 by Jack Dorsey…[read ]

Taken from here.

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35 Twitter Tips from 35 Twitter Users

There  are 35 twitips  from 35 twitter users. I suggest that read them and take them as an examle for your sake.

  1. ryansholin – Be honest. Have fun. Don’t try to sell anything.
  2. joiedevie – funny, informative and catchy: choose two.
  3. wpcandy – Twitter about stuff that has to do with your blog, but also Twitter stuff that has nothing to do with your blog.
  4. scottkarp – Share links, share ideas, ask questions, answer questions — anything but “what are you doing?” unless it’s really interesting
  5. cigarjack – This was my problem at first, I just lurked. Get active and follow others. Great tool for tossing around ideas.
  6. rosshill – Join the conversation, there are too many blog promoters on twitter who just broadcast. Learn @ and start networking 🙂
  7. soniasimone – Write each word like it matters, because it does.
  8. fairminder – share links. share insights and trends, things that are new or timely/current. Be personal. Don’t link only to yourself.
  9. travishines – share interesting resources, not just what you ate for lunch. Twitter often, and use it to test potential blog topics.
  10. galadarling – No cat anecdotes!
  11. theother66 – make use of other Twitter tools to make the most of Twitter (and so it doesn’t suck up all your time)
  12. TheNanny612 – Efficient is the key to Twitter…. short & sweet. Basically, get right to the point.
  13. vangogh – Respect the people you follow. Be interesting. Listen first, tweat second. Don’t waste words.
  14. empty_inbox – I’m new at it all. The #1 thing to help me has been the use of a desktop client. Without “twhirl” I would’ve given up long ago.
  15. andrewkhunn – Frequent Twitter updates demand desktop clients: Snitter, twhirl, and Twitterific all bear mentioning.
  16. jstamant – This often goes unsaid, but I would suggest not having twitter/twitterific open while writing. It can become very distracting.
  17. hamstu – As far as getting followers goes; I find just being friendly and helpful does wonders. And of course shared interests help to.
  18. MattJMcD – Don’t follow more people than you can handle. If you’ve got too much going on, you miss a lot of the good stuff.
  19. davepit – Keep your Twitter updated and the followers will come. Stay up-to-date and you will reep the benefits.
  20. arieanna – stop thinking that twitter is pointless and just try it. It’s all about community – reach out and be a part of it.
  21. DrBaher – contribute positively to conversations going on inside twitter
  22. sitemost – interact and communicate with others – it’s a social media tool, so be social
  23. RuudHein – Share thoughts more than actions: “Pownce will kill Twitter” vs. “I’m going to the toilet”
  24. baramunchies – add value to your stream
  25. drmani – Look beyond the obvious (traffic, sales etc.) Add value. Build relationships. Think LONG term.
  26. CurtMonash – Learn what people care about. I got a glowing link from RSS inventor Dave Winer my first week of active twittering.
  27. ericabiz – Use twitterfeed. Instant feedback from readers is the best part of Twitter. Listen to others; engage them; have a conversation.
  28. superphly – f you are using WordPress use twittertool much better
  29. puppybraille – Advice: Think before you hit send. 140 characters have the power to help, heal or be miss-understood.
  30. buxx – use an username as short as possible so you can twit more
  31. kidblogger – My tip: “Keep it short” 😉
  32. nhgnikole – re:twitter, I’d share this with them so they could use rss in new ways with twitter and facebook:
  33. fderfel – first advice is to add good description and link for something that would be too short in a post
  34. fderfel – second advice make a good weekly post describing all the twitter for the previous week.
  35. silvano_v – Probably look at pounce, Im sure its going to overtake twitter, as its more feature rich. Aside from that, update often.

Lastly, from me ( as a 36. one ) follow the myblog. And also you can read this. 

Taken from MyTwiTips.

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Guide For Twitter Beginners

his post is prepared for beginners and also people who wants to have a new Twitter account.

So you just signed up for Twitter. You make your first tweet and you realize you don’t have any followers. “What a dumb idea!” You say. “Who the hell would be interested in what I’m doing anyway?”

Don’t worry. You’re normal. That is a sign that you are a Twitter beginner. A lot of us Twitter users (or addicts) went through the same questioning routine. And look at us now. We’re geeks who are on Twitter all day and night and we can’t stop tweeting.

So you want to be like us? It’s not that hard really. Just follow these simple steps.

1. Set up your profile

The first thing you need to do is to set up that profile. See that bar on top of your twitter page? Click Settings and start filling up your profile. The notable areas in here are URL, bio, picture and design. Put up a link to your site or blog in here along with a brief description. Upload a picture to differentiate yourself from the others and then tweak your Twitter design. Like any other social networking site, it is important to completely express what you are or what you stand for in your profile.

2. Follow people with similar interests

Now that you have a profile, start following people. You can find these people in Twitter directories. I use Twellow and JustTweetIt. These sites can introduce you to Twitter users that have the same interest as yours. Follow these people and observe their tweets. You may also try following who these people follow but read up their descriptions and visit their blogs to make sure you’re still on the right niche. Being on the right niche will make it easy for you to build a community with a similar interest.

3. Get into the conversation

So now that you are following people, you will now see some tweets on your board. Read up on what the people your following are up to and reply if it interests you. For example, a person narrates how he is going to conduct a meeting. You may then reply with ideas. When someone asks a question, don’t hesitate to answer if you know it. Don’t be afraid to interact.

4. Don’t spam

Spam is the cause of many unfollows on Twitter. There is a character limit for a reason. Do not send repeated messages to people. Do not constantly direct message (DM) them with links.

5. Update daily

Alright so you’re blending in the community. Now update daily if possible. I know some Twitter users who unfollow because of inactivity. Reply to people and update people with what’s going on with your life. Soon you’ll be recognized and you’ll get some follows.

6. Find the latest buzz and contribute

Now it’s your time to contribute. Find a topic that will interest your niche and tweet it. Since you have established relationships with your followers (through replies), you will get more attention. It’s a nice strategy to always append “please retweet” at the end of your tweet. There will be some people who will be so interested that they will retweet. There are others who will reply to you about the link you tweeted. But you are not a “nobody” anymore. You are not just talking to yourself. People are now responding to your tweets.

7. Help other people out

The famous saying “Do unto others what you want others to do unto you” holds here. Before you can receive retweets, you must help others first by retweeting their messages. Help the people in your niche. One day you’ll be surprised on how eager they are to help you back.

8. Create relationships

Now it’s time to create constant connections. Soon you will find that some users are more active than others. You will get to talk with the same group of people at the same time every night. But don’t get bored. Interact with these people and create relationships. Ask how they are doing and try to touch on their interests.

9. Integrate Twitter with other social networks

Have a blog? Then post to Twitter when you have a post that will interest your niche. Have a Facebook profile? Then ask people to add you. Twitter is really a vital part of web 2.0. It can serve as the core. It can let you build relationships that can branch out to other social networks.

10. Establish relationships even outside Twitter

Have a lot of friends on Twitter? Then take it to another level. Ask for their messenger and talk to these people on a more intimate level. Call them through Skype or even arrange a meet-up. Twitter can create real relationships.

Congratulations! You are now an official member of the Twitter community. You talk, act, think and breathe like us. Perhaps you find yourself spending every five minutes updating Twitter on what you are doing. But I guess I’ll save Twitter addiction for next time.

Also if you want to learn more information about How to Get More Follower on Twitter? look here. And also there are lots of TwitterTips out there. And i put here(twitter books)  some of them.

Follow me on Twitter. Takkk

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