Posts Tagged twitter guides

35 Twitter Tips from 35 Twitter Users

There  are 35 twitips  from 35 twitter users. I suggest that read them and take them as an examle for your sake.

  1. ryansholin – Be honest. Have fun. Don’t try to sell anything.
  2. joiedevie – funny, informative and catchy: choose two.
  3. wpcandy – Twitter about stuff that has to do with your blog, but also Twitter stuff that has nothing to do with your blog.
  4. scottkarp – Share links, share ideas, ask questions, answer questions — anything but “what are you doing?” unless it’s really interesting
  5. cigarjack – This was my problem at first, I just lurked. Get active and follow others. Great tool for tossing around ideas.
  6. rosshill – Join the conversation, there are too many blog promoters on twitter who just broadcast. Learn @ and start networking 🙂
  7. soniasimone – Write each word like it matters, because it does.
  8. fairminder – share links. share insights and trends, things that are new or timely/current. Be personal. Don’t link only to yourself.
  9. travishines – share interesting resources, not just what you ate for lunch. Twitter often, and use it to test potential blog topics.
  10. galadarling – No cat anecdotes!
  11. theother66 – make use of other Twitter tools to make the most of Twitter (and so it doesn’t suck up all your time)
  12. TheNanny612 – Efficient is the key to Twitter…. short & sweet. Basically, get right to the point.
  13. vangogh – Respect the people you follow. Be interesting. Listen first, tweat second. Don’t waste words.
  14. empty_inbox – I’m new at it all. The #1 thing to help me has been the use of a desktop client. Without “twhirl” I would’ve given up long ago.
  15. andrewkhunn – Frequent Twitter updates demand desktop clients: Snitter, twhirl, and Twitterific all bear mentioning.
  16. jstamant – This often goes unsaid, but I would suggest not having twitter/twitterific open while writing. It can become very distracting.
  17. hamstu – As far as getting followers goes; I find just being friendly and helpful does wonders. And of course shared interests help to.
  18. MattJMcD – Don’t follow more people than you can handle. If you’ve got too much going on, you miss a lot of the good stuff.
  19. davepit – Keep your Twitter updated and the followers will come. Stay up-to-date and you will reep the benefits.
  20. arieanna – stop thinking that twitter is pointless and just try it. It’s all about community – reach out and be a part of it.
  21. DrBaher – contribute positively to conversations going on inside twitter
  22. sitemost – interact and communicate with others – it’s a social media tool, so be social
  23. RuudHein – Share thoughts more than actions: “Pownce will kill Twitter” vs. “I’m going to the toilet”
  24. baramunchies – add value to your stream
  25. drmani – Look beyond the obvious (traffic, sales etc.) Add value. Build relationships. Think LONG term.
  26. CurtMonash – Learn what people care about. I got a glowing link from RSS inventor Dave Winer my first week of active twittering.
  27. ericabiz – Use twitterfeed. Instant feedback from readers is the best part of Twitter. Listen to others; engage them; have a conversation.
  28. superphly – f you are using WordPress use twittertool much better
  29. puppybraille – Advice: Think before you hit send. 140 characters have the power to help, heal or be miss-understood.
  30. buxx – use an username as short as possible so you can twit more
  31. kidblogger – My tip: “Keep it short” 😉
  32. nhgnikole – re:twitter, I’d share this with them so they could use rss in new ways with twitter and facebook:
  33. fderfel – first advice is to add good description and link for something that would be too short in a post
  34. fderfel – second advice make a good weekly post describing all the twitter for the previous week.
  35. silvano_v – Probably look at pounce, Im sure its going to overtake twitter, as its more feature rich. Aside from that, update often.

Lastly, from me ( as a 36. one ) follow the myblog. And also you can read this. 

Taken from MyTwiTips.

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